Your challenge

You have an innovative business idea for the health sector and are looking for a way to get reimbursed by the health insurance companies?

You want to do business with health insurance companies but do not yet understand the complex system of reimbursement ?

Your solution

Connect for free with and make the most of our large network in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

  • Find the right partner with the right health insurance company

    The reimbursement system is complex and health insurers have their own priorities. Find the right concept and the right partners for the reimbursement of your product.

  • 2h free consultation

    You can use our service for free and pitch your idea and will therefore spare a long, difficult and sometimes depressing search.

  • Sharpen the profile of your idea

    The perspective of the health insurance funds follows its own system with its own often mandatory requirements. This cannot always be fully compatible with the customer journey and the direct added value for the customer. But it is a necessity and therefore your business concept needs to be sharpened.

  • Data protection and data safety

    We guarantee absolute confidentiality from the first minute on. We work on German servers according to German safety standards.

Contact us

Once you contact us using this form, you will receive an email from us with a signed Confidentiality Agreement. Thus you have the guarantee that we will use all the information about your idea strictly confidential. Only after you have received a confidentiality agreement from us, you will inform us about your specific project.

Please let us know to whom we should address the confidentiality agreement, including the address. Example: John Doe, Startup GmbH, Marktstraße 1, 12345 City